See you on 29th October for the announcement of the routes for the Tour de France and Tour de France Femmes with Zwift in 2025.


Sportliche Seite

Fiktiver Start : 12:20 Erwartete Ankunft : 16:28
Strecke Kilometer Zeiten Ortszeit
Zielankünfte in Vom start Caravan 36km/h 34km/h 32km/h
FRANCE 10:20 12:20 12:20 12:20
HAUTES-ALPES (05) 10:20 12:20 12:20 12:20
EMBRUN (VC-D944H) 144.6 0 10:20 12:20 12:20 12:20
D944 H EMBRUN 144.6 0 10:30 12:30 12:30 12:30
CHÂTEAUROUX-LES-ALPES 140.2 4.4 10:38 12:35 12:36 12:36
Carrefour D944 H-N94 137.1 7.5 10:44 12:39 12:40 12:40
N94 SAINT-CLÉMENT-SUR-DURANCE (N94-D38) 132.9 11.7 10:52 12:44 12:45 12:46
D38 Carrefour D38-D37 128.1 16.5 11:01 12:50 12:51 12:52
Passage à niveau : Passage à niveau N° 43 126.8 17.8 11:03 12:52 12:53 12:54
D37 EYGLIERS Gare (D37-N94) 126.8 17.8 11:03 12:52 12:53 12:54
N94 Carrefour N94-D902 A 125.6 19 11:06 12:53 12:54 12:55
D902 A Le Villard 125.1 19.5 11:06 12:54 12:55 12:56
GUILLESTRE 123.5 21.1 11:09 12:56 12:57 12:58
GUILLESTRE (D902 A-VC-D902 A-D902) 123.4 21.2 11:10 12:56 12:57 12:58
D902 St Marcellin (VARS) 111.5 33.1 11:32 13:21 13:24 13:28
Sainte-Marie (VARS) 109.7 34.9 11:35 13:26 13:29 13:33
VARS 107.8 36.8 11:39 13:30 13:34 13:39
Refuge Napoléon (VARS) 104.4 40.2 11:45 13:38 13:43 13:48
ALPES-DE-HAUTE-PROVENCE (04) 11:50 13:44 13:49 13:55
Col de Vars (2 109 m) 102 42.6 11:50 13:44 13:49 13:55
SAINT-PAUL-SUR-UBAYE 94.5 50.1 12:04 13:52 13:57 14:03
Les Gleizolles 88 56.6 12:16 13:59 14:05 14:11
Carrefour D902-D900 87.5 57.1 12:17 14:00 14:05 14:12
D900 LA CONDAMINE-CHÂTELARD 86.2 58.4 12:19 14:01 14:07 14:14
JAUSIERS (D900-VC) 81 63.6 12:29 14:08 14:14 14:21
VC Col de la Bonette Restefond (SAINT-DALMAS-LE-SELVAGE) 58.2 86.4 13:12 15:03 15:14 15:27
ALPES-MARITIMES (06) 13:13 15:05 15:17 15:30
D64 Cime de la Bonette (2 802 m) 57.1 87.5 13:14 15:06 15:17 15:31
Le Camp des Fourches (SAINT-DALMAS-LE-SELVAGE) 49.4 95.2 13:28 15:14 15:25 15:39
Carrefour D64-M2205 35.9 108.7 13:54 15:28 15:40 15:54
M2205 SAINT-ÉTIENNE-DE-TINÉE 32.1 112.5 14:01 15:31 15:44 15:58
Le Bourguet 26 118.6 14:12 15:39 15:51 16:06
ISOLA (M2205-M97-VC-M97) 17.6 127 14:28 15:49 16:02 16:17
M97 Isola 2000 (M97-VC) 0.5 144.1 15:00 16:27 16:43 17:02
VC ISOLA 2000 0 144.6 15:01 16:28 16:44 17:03

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