Felix Gall: "I'm surprised we got two minutes lead"

“I was very happy to be part of the breakaway and even happier that we were three with Clément Berthet and Aurélien Paret-Peintre who helped me tremendously. I focused on the points for the polka dot jersey even though we had two minutes lead. I was surprised that we could get such a gap. Moreover I’m happy to have found my legs again because I wasn’t going that well in the first few days. Tomorrow, it’ll be another hard mountain stage. I’ll see if I can break away again. The good news is that I’ve improved and I’m more consistent this year.”

05/07/2023 - Tour de France 2023 - Etape 5 - Pau / Laruns (162,7 km) - GALL Felix (AG2R CITROEN TEAM) - Avec le maillot à pois
05/07/2023 - Tour de France 2023 - Etape 5 - Pau / Laruns (162,7 km) - GALL Felix (AG2R CITROEN TEAM) - Avec le maillot à pois © A.S.O./Pauline Ballet

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